Baby Tray Easylift

Category: Technical Applications
Material: PP

The Easylift is a CRS (Car restraint system) according to the EN homoglation 44/04 Group 0.

What makes the product unique on the market?

a.) It is produced solely from a single deep-drawn PP shell (actually a dual tool, technically not very easy considering the size of the bassinet) all other products are either made from injected or blown plastics.

b.) The product itself is quite unique as the baby can lie 180° flat, sideways on the backset., blocking only 2x seats, all other products (in which the baby can lie 180°) on the market utilize all 3x back seats.

The main problems in the 4 years of construction, development and testing were the missing usability of the current legal basis in the EN homoglation. The problems are solved – the product will be entered into the Scandinavian market this summer.


Jacob Kunststofftechnik