Hands on thermoforming workshop 2024

people writing on paper

Wednesday 10th April 2024  09.30h – 18.00h
Double Tree by Hilton, Amsterdam Central Station

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn more about fundamentals of thermoforming.

This workshop will not only give you more understanding on fundamentals of thermoforming but it enables you to learn about all different thin and heavy gauge thermoforming technologies and you will be able to discuss details directly with SPE thermoforming experts.

Learn more about the fundamentals of thermoforming with our Instructors:

Training Course Programme 2024


09:30 - 13:00
Heavy Gauge
  • Most used Materials
  • Heating of the Sheet
  • Different Machine Principles
  • Different Forming Methods
    • Vacuum forming
    • High Pressure forming
    • Twin Sheet forming
  • Trouble shooting improvements
  • Discussion
09:30 - 13:00
13:00 - 14:00
13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 18:00
Thin Gauge
  • Feeding and Heating the Sheet
  • Fundamentals of Thin Gauge Thermoforming
  • Advanced Thin Gauge Thermoforming Techniques
  • Trimming and Stacking the Parts
  • Importance of Product and Tooling
  • Cases Study and open discussions
14:00 - 18:00